An invisible micro pest has brought the world to a standstill. Many of us are sending and receiving heaps of advisories that are shaping differently after regular research and monitoring Covid-19 behavior. A win from this WHO-declared epidemic is only possible if we strictly adhere to the instructions and health advisories issued by the country's government and health experts.

While many nations declare a complete lockdown, travelers who are still on the loose are most vulnerable to this disease. They are paranoid as to how to protect themselves from contracting this life-threatening epidemic. Not to worry. The following Travel FAQ’s will help and support you during your journey.

Covid-19 FAQ’s

All You Need to Know about Covid-19 while Travelling

What is Coronavirus?

Virus is a huge family of viruses. These can cause illness to humans or animals. Many coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory disorders that have proved fatal. The most recently discovered virus-causing disease is Covid-19. 

What is Covid-19?

Covid-19 is a highly infectious coronavirus disease that has been recently identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019.

What are the symptoms of Covid-19?

This disease can be contracted from a Covid-19 infected person. It is transmitted through droplets that the Covid-19 infected person releases through a sneeze, cough, or verbal communication. These droplets carry this deadly virus that spreads when we come in contact with droplets.

WHO has stated to seek medical help if you have the following symptoms:

  • Dry Cough
  • Sneezing
  • Flu
  • Breathlessness
  • Fever
  • Bluish lips or face

Symptoms of Coronavirus

*Please look out for regular updates on Health Advisory websites and WHO

What are the possibilities of contracting this disease?

The possibilities depend on your location. If you are staying or visiting a place where this disease has spread, you have higher chances of getting contracted. Studies have proved and continue to warn that Covid-19 spreads very fast in places of large gatherings. You should strictly follow local rules and regulations to stop the spread of this disease. Government and Health Departments come into immediate action whenever there is a Covid-19 positive case in the region.

What are the chances of getting this disease while travelling?

Many countries have imposed travel restrictions amidst the Covid-19 outbreak. Domestic and International flights have been grounded. Local transportation is only regulated for essential goods transportation. These restrictions are imposed to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19. 

While travelling, you are at a higher risk of contracting with Covid-19. You might not even know you have contracted the virus because the first few days you might show no or mild symptoms. Any Covid-19 infected person should cover their face with a mask and maintain a 2 feet distance from others to stop the spread of the disease.

But by following advisories from Airlines and Health Departments you can save yourself and others from Covid-19.

How do I protect myself from contracting Covid-19 while travelling?

Strict adherence to the following can help you to keep Covid-19 at bay: 

  • Distance yourself. Stay atleast 3 feet away from people while travelling.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
  • Strictly don’t touch your face unless necessary.
  • Carry a pocket hand sanitizer (preferably alcohol-based) to sanitize your hands.
  • Avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily while travelling. The virus stays or handles, doorknobs and even clothes for hours.
  • If you feel you can’t breathe properly, immediately inform the cabin crew or airport staff, or hotel staff.
  • Do fill in the Personal Locator form while on flight or cruise. This will help to curb Covid-19 from affecting you or those people with who you come in contact while traveling or post that.
  • Wear a mask to avoid sniffing that deadly virus.
  • Ask your hotel staff to sanitize your room regularly.
  • Make sure the cab you board is sanitized and you should ensure you are using a hand sanitizer regularly.

Read also: How to protect yourself while travelling?

What should I do after returning from travel?

You should follow strictly the following post travel:

  • Take a bath and avoid physically greeting anybody.
  • Sanitize any gadgets you were carrying with you while traveling.
  • WHO highly recommends quarantining yourself for 14 days post traveling so that any chance of getting infected or spreading the infection is reduced.
  • WHO says watch for symptoms and contact your local medical help if you feel unwell.
  • Your laundry should be washed thoroughly
  • Discard any unnecessary things you have piled up while traveling.
  • Inform your local body about your travel history in case you encounter Covid-19 symptoms.

Covid-19 has taken the world to a scope of destruction. Let’s all follow instructions to save this epidemic from taking its grip on us.

Stay home, Stay safe!


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